Mathematical modelling for the COVID-19 pandemic


SpeakerProf Alex Cook, National University of Singapore
HostProf Bo Fu, Fudan University
Time14:00-15:00, June 18, 2020
Zoom ID928 140 75192
Zoom Password807332

Mathematical modelling has emerged as a key discipline in the COVID-19 outbreak so far. In the pursuit of herd immunity to deciding when and how to lockdown and relax lockdown, modelling is providing policy makers with supporting evidence, but its growing prominence and role in policy making may have many wondering, is mathematics leading our response to the outbreak astray? In this talk I will briefly introduce mathematical modelling, some of the key concepts, before describing some of the ways in which we are using modelling to inform Singapore’s response to the pandemic.


Alex Cook教授是新加坡国立大学苏瑞福公共卫生学院副院长(科研)和生物统计学科带头人、统计与应用概率系和Duke-NUS医学院的兼职教授。Cook教授的研究方向主要是传染病建模与生物统计,他的团队最近在新冠疫情建模方面的研究发表在Lancet, Lancet-Infectious Diseases, New England Journal of Medicine 等学术期刊,相关工作已被中国国际广播电视台(CGTN)、中国日报、新加坡联合早报、海峡时报、彭博社等媒体广泛报道。