A Directed Preferential Attachment Model with Poisson Measurement


SpeakerTiandong Wang, Texas A&M University, U.S.
HostYanxi Hou, School of Data Science, Fudan University
Time10:00-11:00, June 24, 2020
Zoom ID651 8812 0840

When modeling a directed social network, one choice is to use the traditional preferential attachment model, which generates power-law tail distributions. In a traditional directed preferential attachment, every new edge is added sequentially into the network. However, for real datasets, it is common to only have coarse timestamps  available, which means several new edges are created at the same timestamp. Previous analyses on the evolution of social networks reveal that after reaching a stable phase, the growth of edge counts in a network follows a non-homogeneous Poisson process with a constant rate across the day but varying rates from day to day. Taking such empirical observations into account, we propose a modified preferential attachment model with Poisson measurement, and study its asymptotic behavior. This new model is then fitted to real datasets, and we see it provides a better fit than the traditional one.


Dr Tiandong Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University, U.S.