Selection of The Number of Change-points:Consistency and Error Rate Control



 Prof. Changliang Zou, Nankai University

Host: 陈钊, School of Data Science, Fudan University
Time:15:45-16:30, Oct 24, 2019
Location:Zibin N102, Fudan University
Abstract:In multiple change-point analysis, one of the main difficulties is to determine the number of change-points. In this talk, I will introduce a data-driven approach based on an order-preserved sample-splitting strategy. Under a unified framework, a cross-validation estimation scheme is developed to achieve consistent selection. Furthermore, we construct a simple yet effective selection procedure which is able to quantify “uncertainty”, say controlling the false discovery rate. The proposed methods are applicable to most kinds of popular change-point algorithms.
Bio:邹长亮 博士 ,南开大学统计与数据科学学院教授、博导。08年于南开大学获博士学位,随后留校任教。研究方向是统计学、质量科学及其与数据科学领域的交叉研究和实际应用。研究兴趣包括:高维数据统计推断、大规模数据分析、统计过程控制、变点和异常点检测等,在统计学和质量科学领域杂志上发表论文几十篇。